Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I got up and ran today. I don't know why, the weather was complete hell. I have been feeling guilty about the dogs I suppose. If it doesn't warm up soon I fear I am going to go insane.

304 N Bellemeade Ave is feeling exceptionally like home these days. I mean the yard could be classified as a swamp at best. The soil is really great at growing earthworms, vegetables and flowers not so much. The plumbing reminds me of when Beka and I went to visit Tower Falls in Yellowstone, yet I find myself feeling really fantastic when I awake or when I arrive home everyday.

I guess my thoughts where really chill this morning on my run.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Learning Espanol

With the end of my semster looming I have been thinking of new ways to torment myself. It only seems natural that I choose to relearn Spanish. It is my hope that this skill could help give me a leg up when interviewing for jobs in the future. I am quite aware my spelling is even more horrid in Spanish than English so bare with me.

That being said I am going to start posting some of my exercises here so that you, the readers, can laugh about my futile attempt to learn this language.
Write ten Spanish words:
La perra el perro la pluma la palabra la casa el gato la mesa la gata el abuelo

I feel like I should have more to say, but then again work and school together suck. I highly recommend that doing both at the same time is avoided at all costs.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Free day

The Town hall in which I work closed today at 9am. Apparently the sewer line was severed during work on Farragut's half million dollar statue project.  At this point though, what is another few grand anyway.  Needless to say I have no idea what I will be doing today.  I have called several people about the possibility of climbing but alas it has been to no avail. I suppose I will resign myself to mopping and other household chores today.   It actually works out well seeing as the dogs are at a play date today.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Location, location, location...

Recently I took a quiz about where I should live at Findyourspot.com and it came up with twenty-four predictable, yet interesting places I should live.
These are not in any particular order:

Charleston, WV
Fredrick, MD
Fort Collins, CO
Medford, OR
Albany, NY
Provo-Orem, UT
Bend, OR
Salem, OR
Spokane, WA
Asheville, NC
Ogden, UT
Tacoma, WA
Eugene, OR
Corvallis, OR
Kent, WA
Harrisburg, PA
Danbury, CT
Missoula, MT
Portland, OR
Billings, MT
Roanoke, VA
Colorado Springs, CO
Bellingham, WA
St. George, UT

As I expected, the Southeast didn’t fare very well in this quiz even though I selected no preference on the region portion. Surprisingly, the east coast as a whole only garnered about one-forth of the list (Oregon alone had as many). I must admit I am a little disappointed Appalachian areas didn’t have a stronger presence among the cities.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

This entry is lame

Let's see... What has happened since March? Well for starters Beka and I have moved in together.  Thus far it has been smooth sailing. We adopted a second canine companion, also a good move. I have applied for a couple new jobs. Should fate decide to throw me a bone I could be living 3.4 miles from my job which would allow me to bike to work everyday. I would also be working towards a more sustainable world in either Air Quality or Stormwater monitoring.  I will keep you posted. 

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thinking of the Future

        As I do from time to time, I sit and dream of things to come.  Tonight is not much different in that aspect.  I am currently resting my body from an exercise cycle (but mainly a fall in a creek on a hike) and the unspent energy gives my mind to wander to and from various places.  For the past hour or so I have been savoring thoughts of relationships I have with people and busily weaving plans for warm weather adventures.
I have also reflected on my recent stroke of good fortune.  Time with Beka, finding a surprisingly delightful four legged companion, and the breaking of the colder weather.  I truly have had a good run of late.
Like most thoughts in my head though, they don't really stay long.  Rather they are very similar to a breeze, remaining there long enough to make you smile and then moving on.  This is not to say that pleasant thoughts are ceasing, merely surfacing long enough for me to meditate.  I really need to avoid injury this summer.